Fueling Your Life
Refining-coal tar upgrading and Petrochemical-synthesis gas to fuel, and chemicals.
STHC’s primary objective for this division is to produce a cleaner fuel and a high-value chemical by converting, refining and processing unconventional energy resources.
Coal is an inexpensive fossil fuel found in great quantities. The high-efficiency utilization or conversion of coal derived products has been the focus in energy and chemical fields, especially in developing countries where Oil & Gas are not easily produced. STHC will use coal carbonization to produce a cleaner fuel. The challenges for us will be to innovate current processes and produce high value products safely, efficiently, selectively and cost effectively.
Synthesis Gas, referred to as “Syngas,” is a gas mixture that contains mainly hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO). From Syngas, a variety of valuable chemicals or transportation fuels can be produced. Higher alcohol synthesis is one of our focal points to research due to their high performance properties and values. Our research scientists will innovate catalyst systems used to produce higher alcohols from Syngas.
Sinopec is the 2nd largest refiner in the world, and to stay a leader, our STHC research scientists will utilize their talents and energies to perform experimental research in Petrochemicals.